Are you religious?

I'm spiritual
4 votes

Other (comment)
18 votes

I'm Christian
24 votes

I'm atheist
4 votes


👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑I believe that since all religions and atheism are all just theories, they are all equal and are all possibilities. Therefore, I don't believe or disbelieve in god(s).

Patrice Bertrandagnostic

a personAgnostic

WardaI am a Muslim

NijI'm undecided, my family's Christian and I believe in Jesus, but if u believe in him why can't u believe in the other gods and disciples, what makes one religion better or more true than another. Or what if none of them are true and it's just a bunch if stories ppl just make up to find some type of purpose or reason to exist. That's why I can't really decide or like to talk about it cuz it's all to confusing and just causes trouble because ppl take it to seriously

Not Your Average CalvinAtheistic Christian