Which band is the best❔❔❔❔

49 votes

54 votes

154 votes

162 votes


deanm5 nd the wanted

nickmoroon5 you'd



Belieber and directioner Love one direction but hate the wanted they say they wanna beat them up they just jealous of 1D and there really selfish so I hate the wanted but I love ONE DIRECTION

Emilyif you did not say mindless behavior you are stupid

Isabellai hate all

Hot volley chickhey I'm gaby

PurpleTacos✌@Emily yeah Emily!!!! Tm all day

EmilyThey hate you Bella

Isabella M5 and 1D

PurpleTacos✌@Emily lol whose ur fave anyway?

EmilyMindless behavior

PurpleTacos✌@Emily sorry meant fave member

MYTgirl115🎤👯🎭Maroon 5 is the only real band. The rest are boy bands so you would have been better off making a boy band question replacing Maroon 5 with Big Time Rush or some other boy band.

Rebecca Horanhow did maroon 5 beat one direction

CountryGirl13Don't know who any of these people are.