If u found out your mom murdered someone would u turn her in to the police?

Go on a murder spree with her!
91 votes

No!!! That's my Momma!!!
474 votes

Yes I think I'd have to
452 votes


Diamond123Why are you asking this?

Mrs Stypayhorlikson@Diamond123 maybe her mom murdered someone look at that pic idk

chestnut25a murdered is a murderer...

Shinedown01u never know she might come for u next so I would

bleephell no! Snitchez get stitchez! Ill be on my mamas side til the day i die!

bleepif she did its probly for a good reason

Keep calm and do gymnasticsidk

QueenAmy mom would never ever do that

Mon nomWe've got one mom in our lifes so i think that i don't Turne her in the police

Tonii._If my mom did then I would turn her in if some one else in my family would take care of me but if I don't then NO!

Rebecca@Shinedown01 me too


PatriceThird option and just sacrifice first borne only