Aren't you sick of school

No I LOVE school 😐 (I'm a nerd and even I don't feel that way about school
8 votes

Kinda sorta...I tolerate it because I get to see my friends
36 votes

Omg yes!!! It's so stupid ughhh I hate school
37 votes


SakanaruI hated school

Tweetybird😘Yea it sucks

Idek UI luv school

Idek Uat the start I hated it but bitches wanna fight me so I'm like yess here's some action

Marisa 😝I'm not a nerd but I like it 😃

👑Princess_Pewdiepie👑@Marisa 😝 me too


Dat boi popplioI hate people and there's people at school so... 🦄