Is she pretty?

30 votes

22 votes

397 votes

88 votes


Ethanshe is bae

I_love_you!!!😍😄💯👌She's pretty and all but honestly I think that Becky G is better

Ethansooooooooooo hot🔥

I_love_you!!!😍😄💯👌@Ethan look up Becky G and she looks better

EthanCute, but selena is better

I_love_you!!!😍😄💯👌@Ethan nope👎👋😐

EthanYou're wrong

I_love_you!!!😍😄💯👌@Ethan no.....I'm pretty sure that you're wrong:)😑👎👌👇

Ethanthat gap is too much for me

I_love_you!!!😍😄💯👌@Ethan Becky G can rap, and sing! Selena is overrated.....she can barely sing

Ethanshe is a great singer, and she is also hotter

I_love_you!!!😍😄💯👌@Ethan uhh.....who told you that? #lies

Ethanmy own ears and eyes

I_love_you!!!😍😄💯👌@Ethan maybe you should get them checked.....Becky G over Selena any day!👏 #BeckyGisbetterthanSelenaGomez!

EthanI haven't even heard of becky g before

I_love_you!!!😍😄💯👌@Ethan we'll I'm gonna tell you now that she is wayy more talented than Selena Gomez

Ethanbut not hotter

I_love_you!!!😍😄💯👌@Ethan WRONG!👎👎👎

EthanJust listened to one of her songs, not a fan

I_love_you!!!😍😄💯👌@Ethan have bad taste in songs.....SORRY

EthanShe's not good, just accept that

I_love_you!!!😍😄💯👌@Ethan she's just accept that but we have our own opinions so.....bye

AnnaThere's no "ugly" button...

AnnaAnd Jasmine YES not rly a fan of Selena, I hate her style

Ethan@Anna well you're a girl, so unless you're lesbian, your opinion doesn't matter

AnnaYou don't have to be lesbian to tell if someone's pretty or not, asshole

AnnaAnd by the way, I have these things, yeah they're called eyes, and I actually use them. I suggest you get your head out of your ass, it is not a hat, and use them too.

Ethan#logic 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

I_love_you!!!😍😄💯👌@Anna I really don't like her style....she looks like a baby

YouAreLOVED<3gorgeous :) my love :)

Anna@Ethan You're an idiot

EthanWhy would I think my head is a hat?

Anna@Ethan You're an idiot

EthanI know you are, but what am I?

Ethan@Ethan good one

AnnaYeahhhhhhh, such a good one (sarcasm)

I_love_you!!!😍😄💯👌@Ethan why are y'all fighting

AnnaGo away, you're stupid and annoying

I_love_you!!!😍😄💯👌@Anna me?

Anna@Jasmine:)😜😝😛 Because he's an idiot

Anna@Jasmine:)😜😝😛 No, Ethan

Ethan@Jasmine:)😜😝😛 she's calling me names

Anna@Jasmine:)😜😝😛 Ahahaha of course not, even if I meant that, I wouldn't say it (but I didn't mean that, just to be clear)

Anna@Ethan You're such a baby

I_love_you!!!😍😄💯👌@Anna oh...okay! Why are y'all mad?

Anna@Ethan "she's calling me names" (I mimic in a girly high pitched voice)


I_love_you!!!😍😄💯👌@Ethan you're 17,.... She's 14....

Anna@Askin Eleanor Carter And that was totes off topic, btw

Ethan@Jasmine:)😜😝😛 she came at me reckless

Anna@Ethan hahaha way to be immature 😂

Anna@Ethan reckless is not an adjective

I_love_you!!!😍😄💯👌@Ethan many of us have them....friends! The ones we can depend on....

Anna@Jasmine:)😜😝😛 What?

Ethan@Anna no shit

I_love_you!!!😍😄💯👌@Anna the song? Just become friends.....this is just ridiculous

Anna@Ethan so you can't say "she came at me reckless" you idiot

EthanI'm lost

I_love_you!!!😍😄💯👌@Ethan just become friends! Be the bigger person

Anna@Jasmine:)😜😝😛 I would rather die than be friends with him, he has a damaged brain

AnnaThat's why he's such an idiot

Ethan@Anna i can say whatever I want to say

I_love_you!!!😍😄💯👌@Anna. What did he even do to you?

Anna@Ethan yeah, okay..

Anna@Jasmine:)😜😝😛 he's mean and stupid and he's always in everyone's business

Austinharper69hot as fuck


D_LannnShe looks older than usual in dis with the mascara but she still pretty

lil@Austinharper69 yes