What would you like to see your partner do?

Girls - partner with another guy
207 votes

Girls - partner with another girl
166 votes

Guys - partner with another guy
82 votes

Guys - partner with another girl
289 votes


Julia Pinkmanuhm i wouldn't want to see him with another woman and definetly not with another guy.... monogamy ;p

Julia Pinkmanuhm i wouldn't want to see him with another woman and definetly not with another guy.... monogamy ;p

Victoryoh no! I don't want that ah! but i think it would be worse to see my partner with another girl. to me it's a question of which would hurt more

Drak attack wow me too, I couldn't see my girl with a guy, it would hurt to much

Mr Pcan't wait for your answer;)

Alondra PerezI'm actually really jealous. what's mine is mine.

aliceobviously a guy would wanna see a girl with another girl

Olivia @alice yes

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑I wouldn't want to watch my partner cheat on me with a dude or a chick... That's just fucked up xD