What celebrity do you hate?

205 votes

40 votes


Daniel GarciaJustin biénergie

Jr.fuzzyJustin bieber

DanielgarciaMiley cirus


EmilyMiley Cyrus

LoraleiJustin beiber, Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus, etc

Ezrathe vamps

Curios GeorgeMiley cirus

DeasiaJustin beiber

ToryJustin Beiber


emraldYEJustin Bieber, Bruno Mars, Nicki Minaj, Miley Cyrus, the 1 direction boys, 2 chainz & other lame rappers...& more

Laila_AlmasriAriana grande

emraldYE@Laila_Almasri ESPECIALLY Ariana Grande!


Aiden HainsworthJustin Beber

alpacataylorjustin burner is horrible


ItsMeSarahxxxJustin Bieber and now Miley Cyrus 😥

Jovanka Suryajayanicki minaj

Minionfancomo pueden odiar a Justin Bieber He is so beautiful

MattiMay77Justin Bieber and Mylie Cyrus 😷

madisonselena gomez & taylor swift

alpacataylorjustin beiber

Sim's_Love💚Kim k

Emma_HereDahvie Vanity, Justin Bieber, All of One Direction, All of 5 Seconds of Summer, The Kardashians

Bella Chris Brown For Hitting Rihanna & Rihanna For Forgiving Him, All Amateur Artists, Ariana Grande & Her Squeaky Voice, Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift ! ! !

Taylor_parksjustin bieber