What do you want in a guy

To just have someone to date and not be single 😡
1 votes

Someone to "do it" with 😶
3 votes

Great body/looks 😨
10 votes

Trust and personality 😘😍☺
62 votes


EnderfoxMCpeople who just want a boyfriend to not be single are dumb...my ex friend asked out my crush for that reason after I told her,she's a bitch

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑@EnderfoxMC Yep, those people are either really dumb or really insecure...or both

Sierra@👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑 couldn't agree with you guys more , people like that are sad

Sierra@EnderfoxMC that's as to hear but obviously you'll find something better ;) 👏✨

Ethanmassive bulge

Sierra@Ethan the crap ???

Not Your Average Calvintop answer in a lady? Okay!