Whats ur fav. song from Black Veil Brides!!!!!!! <3

In the end
24 votes

Fallen Angels
19 votes

comment if other / Love Them To Much To Choose!!!
51 votes

4 votes


Beth Elizondo All of them them there the best!!!!!!! n<3

EvieI don't like them.

AlondraI can't choose just one 😋

i.is.not.on.fireLOVES ZEM TOO MUCH TO FUNCTION Done For You and like every song off wretched and divine

Parker EllisNone

Kalvyn_Isa_OstrichAll of them! BVB is my favorite band! If I had to pick a favorite song it would be Perfect Weapon.❤

Cutie3.NotInUse.I don't really listen to their music