If a tree falls in the woods and nobody is near it, does it make noise?

40 votes

That's not a fair question
18 votes

Hmmm that's a good question
33 votes

277 votes


Screamin' Lord ByronThe answer is no. "Sound" is only sound if it is detected by the ear, or a replacement ear, such as a recording device. If there is nobody, or nothing around to hear the tree fall, then no "sound " is created... only a shockwave of moving air caused by the falling tree.

STEWIEit said noise. And common sense says yes it does make noise.

Jasper@Screamin' Lord Byron well there are probably lots of animals around to hear it anyway, but you've got a good point.

Colm Conneely it does make a noise though it can't be proven

Ohsnapitzashleayes it makes a noise but no one will here it if you're not there

KatelynElisabethGreer💜every tree makes noise when it falls! Duh

DoriI just learned about this in my psychology class and if no one is around to hear it there is no noise

MarcoHe's tricking all of u it's a Paradox