Jacob or Edward??

Edward 😘😘😘
203 votes

Both 😜😜😜
106 votes

Neither 😴😴😴
346 votes

Jacob 😍😍😍
561 votes


VictoryThis type of question should be marked as "spam."

This girl.oops, meant Edward.

Filipino pridei like Edward and Bella together but I just am on team Jacob be cuz Taylor is hot :p

ny@Filipino pride I am so with u with jacob cuz his chest

This girl.oops, meant Edward.

Filipino pridei like Edward and Bella together but I just am on team Jacob be cuz Taylor is hot :p

ny@Filipino pride I am so with u with jacob cuz his chest

Drak attack ahaha you'd think people would be over twilight by now lol, I read all the book but I'm not crazy over it lol

heronicles Team Tyler Crowley. The guy that hit her with the van.

Nicolle Jacob is sexy

Finally_teen_13i agree with Filipino pride

EvieEDWARD ANTHONY MASEN CULLEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😍❤😍❤😍❤😍❤😍❤😍❤😍❤😍❤😍❤😍❤

LaurenI know every word Edward says including Bella's words and Renessema's!!

Isabella Henson Team Jasper and Team Seth Woooohoo I'm different

Mrs.Stylesteam Edward and Alice bitches cx