If a 15 year old male wants to be a female, would you let him do it for his happiness?

206 votes

289 votes




Princess no

Fashionista#1 👗👠👢💅👛👙Is that what YOU want to do?

ShakemanYh bro

💟Nae 💟Nae@Zarialovesyou right he looks like it at least

Fashionista#1 👗👠👢💅👛👙@💟Nae💟Nae💟 ha!

isaiahtaylorforsenatewha..? Like physically become a female, or just pretend to be? It's no either way tho.

AutumnOkay I'm just saying this, but why?! Why change the way you were born, why can't you be real, why can't you be, you?