Which region of the U.S.A do you live in?

The Midwest
9 votes

The West
3 votes

The South
9 votes

The Northeast
9 votes


SakanaruSoutheastern region

fiestytype😜 None of your fucking business bitch

MissBeauty💌@fiestytype😜 shut the hell up

I_love_you!!!😍😄💯👌@Olivia I live in none of you damn buisiness

MissBeauty💌@Jasmine:)😜😝😛 don't worry I know where you live under a bridge

fiestytype😜@Olivia awww does It make u mad that I keep commenting on UR questions don't u think that I shld just skip it if I dnt like it we'll that what u did to me so WHOOPS LIVE WITH IT SQUALLY

MissBeauty💌@fiestytype😜 no you can comment on my questions

Wrongonetomesswith@OliviaRoseG.🎀 wow, don't listen to these insane bitches.

Ethanmid-west mofucka