Do you believe that homosexuality should be permitted (as in allowed) or not

0 votes

4 votes

Yes I love gay ppl
22 votes

No I hate fags
14 votes


fiestytype😜Whoever pressed no I hate fags can go fuck themselves I knoe I'm the one tht put that answer but it's fucked up and I adore gay guys and I have plenty if gay friends

xxxbbearxxxPeople should express who THEY are

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑"Allowed"? How can you make something like that not allowed? That's like saying short people shouldn't be allowed. The hell are they supposed to do? They can't change who they are.

fiestytype😜first of all I didn't mean it like that I meant should homosexuality be something that everyone is A custom to not should they be allowed that's why I wrote permitted but I gave a bad example

fiestytype😜and please don't feel some type of way cuz like I said I ❤️ gay ppl so what I wrote was nothing I be rude about I just wanted to see how many ppl felt the same way

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑I's all good. I think we should all accept them for who they are and think of them as equals. Is that what you meant?


fiestytype😜Gay ppl shld rule the world lol 👬+👭=🌏

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑I don't know about that XD

EthanFaggots and gay people are not the same thing

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑Fags are older man who drive obnoxiously loud Harley's, wear leather jackets, and practically beg for everyone's attention (according to South Park)

fiestytype😜lol I knoe but my bestie is gay and ppl call him the "F" word and I swear I punched him in his face and cursed him out

Ethan@👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑 THANK YOU!

fiestytype😜 Cuz that's so disrespectful it's like calling a white person a cracker or a Spanish person a chooch

Ethancrackers are delicious

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑if someone called me a cracker I'd just laugh

Ethan@👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑 I know, that's not even in insult

fiestytype😜lol true

EthanGet back to work slaves 💢💢

fiestytype😜not funny 😑

Ethantoo soon?

fiestytype😜yeah way too soon

I_love_you!!!😍😄💯👌It should be allowed!

fiestytype😜@Jasmine:)😜😝😛 lol I agree

SakanaruFrom what Anthropologists are saying Homosexuality has been with mankind all throughout history even predating humans were talking cavemen times.. Go figure I mean think about it? What can we do? Nothing.... Nuffsaid

SakanaruThe topic is getting old as fuck!! Live & let live!

Sim's_Love💚I don't know why people care about others' lives it's so stupid just let people live there own lives everybody should be treated equally. And if the people who hate them try turning the tables and gay was being normal. You wouldn't like how you were treated and that's how you treat the gays just LET THEM GET MARRIED!