Is lauren hot or not

Wanna date her
5 votes

R u kidding
33 votes

Absolute not
30 votes

35 votes


Swim_4_everthat is my BFF whom go shopping for monkey clothes with me we have a monkey named Bessie and another named butterfly

I_love_you!!!😍😄💯👌's not

Swim_4_evershe says be nice lets not the


I_love_you!!!😍😄💯👌I mean like she's okay but you look better

Swim_4_everoh thx but keep comments to self

I_love_you!!!😍😄💯👌@Swim_4_ever ........

Swim_4_everok so what I am still a rock star

Swim_4_everrhabk u

Swim_4_everthank u

Ethanno comment

Swim_4_everoh nuts