What kind of ice cream do you like

Cookies n cream
22 votes

10 votes

11 votes

Rocky road
4 votes


Sup_ya_peices_of_swagmint chocolate chip

Mrs.Female(tomboyvsgirly@Sup_ya_peices_of_swag that is really good

Mrs.Female(tomboyvsgirlyI like cookies n cream

SakanaruFrench Niller

Mrs.Female(tomboyvsgirly@sakaNaru what does that taste like

I_love_you!!!😍😄💯👌Plain vanilla, cherry limeade ice cream, cookies and cream, and cappichino ice cream 😘

Mrs.Female(tomboyvsgirly@Jasmine:)😜😝😛 same

SakanaruVanilla only its a little more vanilla-ie tasting than the regular one its my fave..

Mrs.Female(tomboyvsgirly@sakaNaru ok

Sakanaru@Tomboyvsgirlygirl❤️💎👍 When you ever go to Baskin Robins try one..😉🍦

Mrs.Female(tomboyvsgirly@sakaNaru oooo I ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ baskin robins

I_love_you!!!😍😄💯👌@Tomboyvsgirlygirl❤️💎👍 me too!!!😘

Sakanaru@Tomboyvsgirlygirl❤️💎👍 I know right!!!😃😃 noticed I didnt abbreviate it!! Its soo friggen good!!

Mrs.Female(tomboyvsgirly@sakaNaru yea

SakanaruOh junk!!! Da 2 homegurls know whats goin down in Ice cream land!! Viva la Ice Cream!!! Biotches!!😆

Mrs.Female(tomboyvsgirly@Tomboyvsgirlygirl❤️💎👍 yeah