There is this guy and my feelings for him are weird, recently he moved away and i feel broken, what should i do?

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Becool:-DFind out his address and maybe email him? :-)

karaok thnx!

Proffers hiWell... I have had a similar experience bae so I know what to do. Stalk him.

💩Try talk yo him :)

justcuriousMaybe pick yourself up, dust yourself off and remember that you are a STRONG, INDEPENDENT WOMAN WHO DONT NEED NO MAN - then go buy some ice cream.

Alive_GeorgiaOmg that's exactly my problem as well I don't know if I like him or not but I was sad when he moved away. I'm going to see him soon so you should do the same or (keep in touch with him) then try and work out those feeling it may take some time.