The number doesn't matter.

I disagree.
237 votes

I agree.
754 votes


🎩Banter🎩what number??

BellaWell the number I wrote was 155 but I posted it because people (including myself) look to much into numbers (like weight time and numbers.) So what did you vote for?

🎩Banter🎩I said numbers do matter because I thought u were talking about numbers in general

emraldYEWhat-number one and number two?

BellaUmmmm again 155 your welcome and I'd like my question to be answered so what did you vote for?

🎩Banter🎩i said i think numbers do matter therefore disagree


🎩Banter🎩What is 155 and why do u keep repeating it??

BellaSrry for the confusion I was unable to see comments um you have a valid point.

🎩Banter🎩did u mean specifically weight numbers?

EthanI don't get it

emraldYE@Ethan Neither do I.

BellaGuys in the picture I put a scale (measures weight) so I was asking if you thought weight mattered sorry for the confusion and i hope you get it now this is the best I can explain it if not it doesn't matter.

Ethanyeah, but size matters more


🎩Banter🎩it shouldnt matter but it does

BellaSize is a label.

BellaAnd I don't like labels but anyways.

KenanenadeePlease comment or vote on my last question!! ❤️❤️❤️

riotgrrrlthis is a beautiful question. Girls need to know that weight doesn't matter. You are so incredible for saying this and asking this question. Stay strong and stay amazing :)

riotgrrrlalso whoever answered I disagree I feel really bad for

🎩Banter🎩@riotgrrrl i know it sounds bad but in society today the number does matter even though it shouldn't

GabreallI will disagree

🐾RoxyTheMythicalBeast🐾@🎩Llew🎩 ur right it's just how it is then curvy ppl make vids on how it's better to date them then to date non curvy ppl

🎩Banter🎩I hate the picture that goes "real men date curves not sticks"

🎩Banter🎩bitch plz, real men goes for whoever the fuck we want

SakanaruI like big girls too I love all types of women😋

🎩Banter🎩my anaconda don't want some unless u got buns hun