Which drawing of mine is better comment requests for things to draw

51 votes

12 votes

16 votes

135 votes


MissBeauty💌You have a real talent as an artist I could never draw like that

MandaPandaYou're an amazing artist! Keep up the awesome drawings 😀

ShowmethestarsI watched the speedart for the first drawing...you're not fourteen. And the second one is a completely different style then the first. You don't have to lie about your drawing skills, I went through a terrible phase where I thought my art was hideous.

Emily I'm not lying I watched the videos then drew the pictures and I am not lying

Emily and Is it so bad to have new ideas I'm allowed to draw different IF I WANT TO V .. ()

KenanenadeePlease vote on my most recent! Thank you cuties!❤️❤️

TotalfashionnerdDraw me!

Carolinefuseliercould u draw Austin mahone??

Emmadraw something that express u and also u draw amazing even better than my sister

fiestytype😜u DEFINETLEY didn't draw that

fiestytype😜 And I knoe cuz someone else has those same exact pictures saying they drew it and they said that it's there's and now you say it's yours so who's lieing lol honestly I think you both got it from google

fiestytype😜lmaooo I just went on google images and went to paintings of frozen and all four of those pictures just popped up including some others I don't understand why you kids think we are stupid the ppl who believe you are but I'm not☺️😊