Assassins creed three is

78 votes

I hate it
58 votes

316 votes

Worlds greatest game
156 votes


SexyJlawit's awesome but Arkham city is better

IHATECHEESEšŸ˜never played it but I want to

L.A.M.A.I fuckin love that game!!!

Toolazytocomeupwithanoriginalnamemeh. I liked assassins creed 2 better

Max powersnever played it

Jesse love it

L.A.M.A.I really liked that game, super fun although AC1 and AC2 are a bit better.

Shinedown01i really want to but I haven't yet

ZacI never played it is it fun

Dickehead Dexterityit's good

Dickehead Dexteritybut too easy


...too easy ac4 id better though