What's your dream romantic evening? (That's my husband and I)

A walk on the beach, and then having a "picnic" there and "get lucky"
258 votes

Or a night in a hottub...
118 votes

Movie night in pjs, that involves kissing and snuggling
341 votes

A candlelit dinner at a fancy restaurant,and with a few hours at the hotel
95 votes


Madisona night of skinnydip ping in my hot tub

Marlyn@Sexyfuckenshitbitch Okay, with who?


Marlyn@tash Hey

fiestytype😜I wld do the one with the movie and pjs

SakanaruChuck E. Cheese

Marlyn@fiestytype😜 nice, those are the best! Haha


fiestytype😜@Marlyn lol true

Chadheck yeah haha

Anonymousbullshit, that's not you're husband or you

Marlyn@Amanda Nichole good for you.

💀EMILY💀{AOF}a candlelit picnic under the stars and then go to a 5 star hotel💜💚💙❤️💛

BetterBelieveItthe power of Netflix compels you!

_.Sofia._the red one AND the green one😌

AlexaI love all of them

eggsDance club/party

electrobentenhave sex skinny dip in a hot tub fancy diner whach a movie or show

JamesBondNetflix and chill

message_menever had a boyfriend

Delta_DragonsNetflix, chill, and finally go spend some quality fun in the hot tub with my girl

Super girl💖club

TaytemA walk on the beach, and then having a pinic there and get lucky