Is one direction the worst band ever? (Ps I think so)

They suck.
26 votes

They suck more than anything.
10 votes

If you like them you will skip this because they suck.
8 votes

They suck horribly.
5 votes


Mrs.Stylesyou seriously just did tht to piss me off and all other directioners nice knowin ya!😲😈😁😁

Bailey@Hazza Jana I'm sorry. I just couldn't resist.


Mrs.StylesI HATE U!!!!👊👊👊👊

JillYour stupid I hate you more then anything

Bailey@Jill hahaha whatever.

:)I'm with you @Bailey, I hate one direction. The only direction their going is down


Dat boi popplio@Jill *You're.

Dat boi popplioDirectioners are all so bitter and angry. 😂