Deep throat or nahhhhh

8 votes

16 votes

What's deep throat??
66 votes

86 votes


fiestytype😜 Lmfaooooo for all the people who don't knoe what deep throat in is hahah


fiestytype😜lmfaooooo too funny Ethan


MissBeauty💌Hell no

S@Ethan lmao!

SakanaruOoh I'm getting hard😰

fiestytype😜@Meatpuppet(Sakanaru) hahahahhahaahhahahaha


fiestytype😜@TheItGirl💄 this is a teenaged convo so unless UR age ends in teen get off and urs is 11 so PEACE OUT 😋✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️

S@fiestytype😜 u tell her fiesty xD

Sthe question is wud u???

MissBeauty💌@fiestytype😜 well it should be for married people not teen just cause you are funking 15 does not mean you should be deep throat ok you are not married .

Ethanmarried couples don't do oral sex, that's just awkward

MissBeauty💌@Mayda:) bitch who are you

fiestytype😜Why are u still here again?? I though I said it was for 13+

fiestytype😜lol and do u think that porn stars give a shit if they are married or not like no they do it cuz the want to just like all the other UNDERaGE mofo in the world

Sakanaru@Ethan What?! Where you from?😂

Sakanaru@fiestytype😜 Underage mofo😂

S@TheItGirl💄 haha chill girl im bored xD we r all strangers no need to flip....people need to learn to relax....ur wasting ur time calling me a bitch...girls like u r always looking for trouble so y dont u just keep ur negativity out of this

Ethan@Mayda:) now you did it

S@Ethan im just saying the truth...sometimes it hurts but oh well..people need to suck it up

fiestytype😜@Mayda:)yesssss girl PREACH👏👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

S@fiestytype😜 haha :)

fiestytype😜ugh that bitch is annoying

S@fiestytype😜 its simple to ignore people :) dont stress urself out :0

fiestytype😜I'm not she's just annoying

#NoFufuNoLuLuDeep throat💯 She gotta eat my shit 😂

fiestytype😜@#NoFufuNoLuLu. Lmfaoooooooo

SakanaruEww! Grody!😖

S@fiestytype😜haha ok good :)

MadisonU is nashty!!

Cutie3.NotInUse.Wrong crowd! Half of the Fashionista crowd is probably under the age of 13


fiestytype😜lmfaooooo I was gonna say something really rude about this question but then realized ITS MINE😂😂😂😂👌. Ugh I crack myself up sometimes