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Celeste🎈💗Yummy donuts😳😝

Mrs.Female(tomboyvsgirly@Celeste ikr

Celeste🎈💗So yummy oh dang it I just got hungry again and I just ate

Mrs.Female(tomboyvsgirly@Celeste 😂😂

Celeste🎈💗It was Mexican food and I got hungry from those donuts I feel like eating a donut right now😥


Celeste🎈💗Oh hi Spider-man I found you Spider-Man where we're you Spider-Man?

Celeste🎈💗and hey Spider-man don't make me hungry😠

EthanI'm not Spider-Man

Celeste🎈💗But you have a Spider-Man profile pic it looks like a adorable Spider-Man Spider-Man

EthanSpider-man doesn't have ups syndrome

Celeste🎈💗Well I like your Spider-Man profile green goblin you said you weren't Spider-man nevermind I got enough of that joke well maybe😄

Sakanaru@Ethan Ups 😂

Celeste🎈💗I know right