The world is gnna end today....wut will b the first thing u do??

Get revenge on people u hate
61 votes

Rob a store
21 votes

Stay on Fashionista all day haha
36 votes

81 votes


fiestytype😜I would get drunk have sex and then rob hella stores and give all the money to charities so they can live the rich life before they die

Shahahhaa i think they wud b too scared to think about being rich hahaha and i think u shud get drunk after all the fun haha that way u pass out b4 the world ends xD

EthanI would leave the toilet seat up

S@Ethan hahaha oh watch out we got a rebel here ;D

elaina_danielle2019i would rip the tag off a mattress 💥💥💥

elaina_danielle2019if u gonna get drunk the last days of ur life... U aint going to heaven


Sbad ass!

Sakanaru@Ethan 😆

SakanaruGather all family members lock down the home front grab guns start guard watch & scavenge for food & goods

S@🍗Meatpuppet🍗 hahaha

Ashleyrevenge *rubs hands together in evil way* Mwahahahaha 😈😈😈😈

xxkittensrulexxI would not rob a store cause u don't exactly no if the worlds going to end and if it doesn't u will be in jail for a long time

Editorgirlspend time with family :-)


👑🐶Queen_Roxy🐶👑it's not the end of the world I'm still here silly 😒

Penguin_GirlieHang with friends boyfriend❤️ and family