i need advice!! its long story but i am hanging out with these girls at school and i don't like them they haters help me

19 votes

183 votes


Clairre:)There's nothing wrong with haters but if u don't want to hang out with them find new friends and slowly start only hanging out with them

ǰʉłïⱥ ∞Just leave them. Find new friends. It may be easier said than done but if they aren't making you happy it really isn't worth it

that_volleyball_girl_ivystay away from them then

Alison@that_volleyball_girl_ivy what she said

SakanaruMake new friends fuck them!!

elaina_danielle2019make new friends. Or be a loner at school.

EthanLet's be real, you're not popular without them

Sakanaru@Ethan Fuck me sideways!😂😂😂😂😂

YunaIsHappy Even though it may hurt a bit to leave them,better friends will come around C:

lulu_166U will find a good friend one day

Ethanbut you won't be popular

nicoleI had the same problem. Try to start making other friends and just slowly start hanging out with these new friends more and your old ones less.

brefresh11Tell them how u feel

julia11ccTry to be yourself and if they dont like that just give them one facial expression till they walk away. I do this all the time. I promise it works! Just stay there and dont answer there questions or do anything


katijoyTry to start hanging with other girls and slowly move on

NatalieIgnore them

Hilary MontanaI dud the same thing just because I wanted to fit in and be cool I so regret it

Unique do ur own thing...find real friends

Natasha❤️😉Thx for the help guys!!

PinkIgnore them an b urself. Once u do that hopefully u attract real friends


xxkittensrulexxTry to make them want to be around u like get everyone to like u then u will be popular and make sure u have lots of cool clothes cause usually ppl will start wishing they were u

fashiondesigner101Find real friends that really like you for you and stay away from those mean girls

NatalieJust leave them and just ignore wat they say and find real friends

👑🐶Queen_Roxy🐶👑make up an exuse every time they want to hang out with u

Penguin_Girlieignore them and don't talk to them make a fight