Best age to start wearing make-up at school?

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alpacatayloridk I don't wear makeup so also Im not aloud to wear it to scool n I don't want to

randgood for u


ZoëSixx🎵🎶🎧🎵aha I started wearing makeup when I was 12 and still wear a lot to this day xD

❤😝️SMILEY😝❤️14-15 deepening on how Heavy she applies it

LenaYou shouldn't ever need to. it makes you look beautiful or ageless but in time it messes up your face and you look ugly without it. I don't wear it. a lot of my beautiful friends don't. I'm not saying you're ugly if you do wear it I'm saying it was not a good choice to wear it every day in the first place. I know some young girls with wrinkles now no lie cuz they wear it every day

Dat boi popplio@Lena I agree🐛

BeautifulDisasterI started wearing makeup when I was 14, but all I wear is a little foundation and mascara


AngelinaI love make up

Sarah(FAM/PMS)Don't wear a lot, if you do. I just wear a little mascara. Probably 13 or 14, and as you get older you can do more. But really, a little goes a long way.

SerpentineI started at 11, but it was incredibly light.

......I started with 13, but really really haevy (fat eyliner under and over my eyes, eyeshadowbase, eyeshadow, eybrowpencil, 3 diffrent mascaras at the same time, underfoundation, concealer, make up, powder and than a fixing spray over all and over it make uo and powder again and lip stick) , I was used to wear that untill 2 monthes ago (now im 16) and now I just think wtf had I thought?!😇😇😇 so I think 12, 13 is a good age, but not to much...I only wear Eyliner (over and under my eyes), mascara, comcealer, powder and lipgloss and its enough now😃

......but at the beginning it was really difficult for me to,put less make-up on my face :/ I