Do u think david luiz is hot😍😍😍

11 votes

He's great
8 votes

Eww(comment if other famous footballer)
6 votes

29 votes



Ethanand no, he cries too much

itsFRANKLINEpeopleMarco rojo and James Rodriguez

//Oh yes he is. People have shit in the eyes 😍

itsFRANKLINEpeopleWait which one


Cesar Lopezmessi

//@Cesar Lopez Messi is not hot 😂

Cesar Lopezyou shut your mouth

I_love_you!!!😍😄💯👌@Yasmine. Uh yes he is? Wow...

Cesar Lopezyup

Cesar Lopezmessi needed to win

//@Cesar Lopez Messi is not sexy dude, calm yourself, fucking idiot 😂

Cesar Lopezfuck you

//@Cesar Lopez OMG. You are ridiculous. Poor thing, did i hurt your feelings?

Cesar LopezKk

Cesar Lopez:(

//@Cesar Lopez God... You're so stupid.

Cesar Lopez:(:(

Cesar Lopez@Cesar Lopez :(.....

HoldenI'm a guy

Not Your Average CalvinMina, I'd have to say Cesar is totally correct regardless of what you say.