Have you attempted suicide?

Why would i
56 votes

Yes- I'm actually a ghost
33 votes

206 votes

Yes -it didn't work
50 votes


it's all about me isabellica don't know what it is

Hayley WilliamsHave you?!?!



Abby💜✨💍@M3IzSATAN really what did you do

HLS❤Only uneducated people would do something as foolish as that😒

Abby💜✨💍@HLS❤ No that's not true , people who get cyber bullied commented suicide because there life is hell , you don't have to be bad in the head , and the people that have something wrong with them , they are because they don't know what they do , life is a mess and it's up to us to clean it :)

HLS❤@ Abby Rose That's True, sorry for my comment :(

Abby💜✨💍@HLS❤ it's ok , no need to apologise :)

HLS❤@ Abby Rose :) xx

Abby💜✨💍@HLS❤ :) :*