What do you think of when you see this pic?

Why is there a penis on the castle?
194 votes

I love The Little Mermaid!
301 votes

Prince Eric is handsome😍😍
115 votes

🎶Under the sea🎶
277 votes


DeathThe thing says sex

fiestytype😜it looks like she's staring at his dick lol or she's giving him a hand job and the parents got bad cuz they want the D


Meg💕Lol haha

EthanEveryone did see the penis, right?


SmileYeah I know I saw that on google

♔✧ⓈⓉⓎⓁⒺ✧♔under the sea!

DeJuan @🔥LauraTheFirePrincess🔥 shut up


DeathDe 8 year old juan

Sakanarutheres a lot disney pictures with hidden images 'ol Walt was a cheeky bastard!😂

Ethan🎶giant penis, bum bum bum bum, giant penis🎶

KayKayWhen I was in the little mermaid play

DeJuan @Death nigga was u talkin to me?

Sarah(FAM/PMS)Oh God no!!! 😂

maddieit looks like prince Eric is looking at her boobs



Jaxxit looks like everyone is stating at Ariel's boobs and Ursula is trying to grab them😂😂😂😂😂😂


Jaxxand the dad guy is like "everyone stop staring at my nude daughter!"

♔✧ⓈⓉⓎⓁⒺ✧♔@DeJuan what's wrong with you!?

🎩Banter🎩ahaha yeah i saw that on fb



LonesomeghostsUNDA THA SEA 🎶 du du du du🎶 UNDA THA SEA

Emmawatson😃Shit the fucken damn penis is on the castle