What's UR favorite old movie

Mean girls 🙎💇💆💅👯
102 votes

Cinderella story aka with selena Gomez lol the dancing movie
39 votes

Camp rock MY FAV🎶🎵🎤🎧🎼
31 votes

The one with selena and demi and demi was a princess and selena was original
42 votes


Puppy_Lover💚Mean girls camp rock princess protection program (is what the 3rd one is called) that's all

slimblack17Princess protection program. I literally watched that yesterday omg lol

EthanDr. Strangelove

I_love_you!!!😍😄💯👌Romeo Must Die😘


PinkThe notebook😍

elaina_danielle2019I THOUGHT U MEANT LIKE REALLY OLD MOVIES like the sound of music lol!

Ethan@elaina_danielle2019 Dr. Strangelove is from the 60's

SakanaruMonte Python

fiestytype😜@Clairre:). Don't say hi wtf I don't like u don't u get it nobody does

fiestytype😜@Pink. Omg I love that movie

fiestytype😜lol this question was for the littler ones lol but I still like all those movies and I'm 15

meridorada camp rock was my favourite when i was more Young

🎩Banter🎩these are not old films. Old films are Casablanca, Godfather, Titanic, Lion King etc etc

PinkHaha oopps

fiestytype😜@🎩Llew🎩 awwww lion king was the best lol so was the godfather

fiestytype😜@🎩Llew🎩. But I said this question was for the younger ones lol

Clairre:)What do u mean bye younger ones

🎩Banter🎩@fiestytype😜 ye but the films are still quite new. Camp rock is a recent disney film. Proper old disney films are things like Aladdin, Sleeping Beauty etc etc

🎩Banter🎩@Clairre:) kids, younger kids who are about 10


EthanHas anyone seen the black cauldron?


🎩Banter🎩@VoiceofReason yes i think i have

Sakanaru@VoiceofReason Is that a ghetto movie? Ha ha! Just playin yea I have😋

🎩Banter🎩@VoiceofReason i just looked it up and i remember now!! That was class

Ethan@🎩Llew🎩 that's one of my favorite disney movies

EthanI feel bad for little kids who watch tangled and frozen and think it's the best shit ever, and have never watched the old disney movies

Puppy_Lover💚@GillyBoat(Sakanaru) lol there is the new pic

Clairre:)Ya there both so dumb

🎩Banter🎩@VoiceofReason frozen and tangled are good i admit but they will never feel the satisfaction of rewinding a video all the way to the start before watching

Ethan@🎩Llew🎩 lol yes bro

🎩Banter🎩i have a massive box full of videoes and its almost impossible to watch them nowadays

Sakanaru@Sims'_lover💚 Yeah adorbs huh?!😋

Puppy_Lover💚@GillyBoat(Sakanaru) YASSS

WrongonetomesswithMy favorite old movie? I guess it would be West Side Story

Lonesomeghostsno clue