Are you depressed plz comment

I'm very depressed
7 votes

Great or other comment
5 votes

No I'm fine
121 votes

Yes I am
55 votes


xxkittensrulexxBeing depressed is very bad

Clairre:)It is



alpacataylornope because I'm happy clap along if u feel like. A room with out a roof 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

Smile@alpacataylor are you singing?


Smile@alpacataylor be happy 😄

alpacataylorI got the life n I love it

Smile@alpacataylor I love Life 😽

alpacataylorsame here 5 4weelers gocart n dirtbike n a big pool n a huge yard hey.. I don't no about u but that's fine for me

Smile@alpacataylor ☺️







alpacataylor🌞 here comes the sun dodadoodoo here comes the sun it's alright🌞

Smile@alpacataylor 😆😆😆😆😆😆

slimblack17I'm very depressed.

alpacataylor@slimblack don't be depressed be HAPPPPPPYYYYYY

slimblack17@alpacataylor i can't just stop being depressed. I wish I could though.

Clairre:)Me too

alpacataylorcmon guys cheer up

Clairre:)U can't with what's happened to me I can't

alpacataylorU can always be happy u no every rainbow needs a storm in the beige ing

Clairre:)Sometimes I can be happy but not that often I usually just pretend

emraldYEYes, more so than I've ever been in my entire life. And the bad part is I don't even know the cause. No one does.

alpacataylorawww that's sad

Clairre:)Oh I know most of why I'm depressed and I'm very depressed right now

ɬɧɛ ƈɧơʂɛŋ ơŋɛ@Clairre:) maybe stop being fake and changing your profile then say it was a joke then blame someone else and say it's their fault

Clairre:)Umm that's not why and I'm not fake you are


Clairre:)And it was a joke and I didn't blame someone else

ɬɧɛ ƈɧơʂɛŋ ơŋɛI'm not fake I haven't changed my profile name once and you blame it on fiestytype

Clairre:)I didn't blame it on fiestytype and I changed mine cuz I wanted to that's all

ɬɧɛ ƈɧơʂɛŋ ơŋɛso that's an experiment

Clairre:)I tried to get people to believe I was a different person that's the expirement I changed my name cuz I wanted to

ɬɧɛ ƈɧơʂɛŋ ơŋɛok whatever you say


fiestytype😜yup forever and always that's why I cut

Clairre:)Me too I haven't cut yet

fiestytype😜@Clairre:) don't say yet like UR going I don't cut UR young see a therapist it will help let the therapist hypnotize u and take it away when u get older it's worse so get one when UR young


Clairre:)Know one other than on the app knows I'm depressed not even my parents

Clairre:)And I'm thinking about cutting

riotgrrrl@Clairre:) that's really stupid. Pls don't post it on an app. Grow up and tell your parents. Don't try to make ppl feel bad for u. Don't say "I'm thinking about cutting" there are ppl with serious issues who can't control whether or not they cut. Don't be a little immature bitch about it. And don't call this hate either. It's not. When ppl post this stuff it's not ok and It needs to be taken care of.

fiestytype😜@Clairre:). For what u have no idea why u cut and the part about I tell of my dad isn't even half of why I cut I also have poltraumatic stress disorder and u don't need to cut UR 10 life TF I'm 15 What's UR reason for being depressed

fiestytype😜@riotgrrrl I agree

fiestytype😜@Clairre:) if u cut wich I hope not don't post that shit on here saying omg look what I did

Clairre:)I'm not being immature I'm depressed

Clairre:)And fiestytype I'm depressed becuase my dad he got help but he used to freak out over ever little thing and now my parents are probably getting divorced and other stuff that's just to sad too talk about

Clairre:)And I'm 11

Clairre:)And riot girl I'm not telling my parents

Clairre:)And I'm not trying to make people feel bad for me I'm just depressed

Clairre:)You must not be depressed cuz if you were u would no what it feels like

Clairre:)You wouldn't say I'm immature



Clairre:)R u depressed

fiestytype😜@Clairre:) I'm not saying UR immature for the depressed part but for the cutting part and I know how u feel my dad had anger problems too and he beat me to death and I watched him strangle and choke my mom one time it was traumatic

Clairre:)Ya but I but I things are just so bad right now....

Clairre:)And I'm not saying I will....

fiestytype😜@Clairre:) so are mine I called the cops on my dad when I was 5 and told then they were trying to kill my mom and they came an hour later and by then he was already gone

Clairre:)Oh ya he doesn't hit but he can definitely make u feel like your worth nothing

Amanda@Clairre:) I have a lot of friends that are depressed You will get though it

Clairre:)I'll always be depressed

Clairre:)Sometimes I'll be happier than others

AmandaI had a phase when I was depressed

fiestytype😜@Amanda 😏 UR a good person that is something I can tell

Amandabut then I got though it with all my loving and caring friends

fiestytype😜@Clairre:) yeah so does mine

Clairre:)Oh iv been depressed for as long as I can remember

Amandamaybe you just need another friend

Clairre:)I have plenty

Clairre:)It's family problems

fiestytype😜I've been depressed since I was 4

Clairre:)Ya that's about how long iv been maybe even longer


Amandathat's sucks @fiestytype

Clairre:)Fiestytype can u delete all the questions and I'll delete mine

fiestytype😜@Amanda why were u depressed??

Amandamy friends made me depressed

Amandathey would always say bad things and do bad habits

fiestytype😜@Amanda damn we'll that means they weren't real friends

AmandaSo then I started hanging out with some other people and I'm not that depressed anymore

fiestytype😜@Clairre:) I deleted all of them already

AmandaI'm glad I met those other people or I wouldn't have been the person I am today

fiestytype😜@Amanda good


Amandaokay let's talk about something else😜

fiestytype😜@Amanda BOYS

fiestytype😜@Amanda oh and what's up with the devil trapped in a 9 year old like geez she's still talking crap and she's soo rude


AmandaAre you in school yet @fiestytype😜

fiestytype😜@Amanda nahh I'm on summer break I start high school in September 1st

Clairre:)I deleted the question about u

fiestytype😜@Clairre:) thank you omg that little girl Kylie is soo rude

Clairre:)Oh she isn't being mean too me

EmYup I am, if anyone needs to talk I'm here to listen and help!


ĆäśśïëQüëëńfor a few years and we are talking about suicide in school and it makes me uncomfortable 😳

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@Cassie right? I hate talking about it in school because it reminds me of people I know who once had problems like that. We were watching a movie once about it and I almost started to cry.

ĆäśśïëQüëëń@Sarahi almost started crying in class today but I didn't

SmileYeah 😓

JennyOrtizyes cuz tmrw we r having this big field trip and school might be canceled cuz of weather 😩