How many times should you ask someone out before giving up?

Never give up.
2794 votes

1585 votes

2738 votes


Samhate people that have replied 'never give up'. The person you're asking obviously thinks you're ugly... Get a face lift or fuck off.

MegLouSIf you keep asking them out they're going to think you are desperate...

LalaMaybe they don't have time for a relationship but they still do like you

Monkeyface92if the other person doesn't want to, leave them the Hell alone!

Call_me_isabelle@Sam lol

shannon0912@sam fair point to be honest

nailkkSam ur weird u idiot

lllllllllllllllllllDont keep asking trust me it drives me nuts

Carla once!!!!!!! This one boy asked me out 9 times I only sed yes 4 times and tht was to many 😒

No@Sam nice

China Anne McClain never give up

China Anne McClain never give up

Xx Courtney xXthere just going to think your weird or a stalker lol

monieeluvsyahxoxo Never give up!

omllnever give up=stalking

Richard HellamsI asked a girl out three times and she finnaly said yes

MoodyMoonehh 3rd time IS the charm, but anymore than that and you become a stalker/undesireable

BabyStarbucks🌸OMG STOP ASKING THEM OUT! They will think you are a creepy stalker or something. If they want to go out with you they will ask you