What do you think about the walking dead?

Haven't heard of it
153 votes

I'm kind of liking it
110 votes

Not a fan
291 votes

Best show in a long time!
174 votes


Fashion97my dad watches it

πŸ‘‰πŸ‘Œ πŸ‘‡, πŸ‘Œ? βœŒοΈπŸ‘‹Good game, crap show

πŸ’eatmyshortsπŸ’I love zombies❀️

baylea sykesI can't believe the newest episode like OMG so much drama and craziness but love it

bestofthebest3210I love it SOOOO MUCH SPOONNNZ

JuliaFav charter is Michonne! And the TV show does not suck it's been rated top Drama show of the year!

Deleted@πŸ‘‰πŸ‘Œ πŸ‘‡, πŸ‘Œ? βœŒοΈπŸ‘‹ nooooo crap Game,good show

awesomedude Best show ever!!!!!

a.v.i love it it's really good :)


Deleted@a.v. Yes :-)

Sims forever!!!!!@Nik Nik :-) hey

Deleted@One direction!!!!!!! ???????????????? What?????? Why you write hey?

Sims forever!!!!!I'll chat you wait

Deleted@One direction!!!!!!! I still dont get it

Dylanglenn dies