Would you rather have a boyfriend whos...

Annoyingly cocky but has an amazing body
25 votes

18 votes

Sweet but agressive
93 votes

36 votes


PinkHaha i wld rather have a sweet one

Ethan@Pink so you like guys who beat you?

Pink@VoiceofReason haha no... Thats y i said i would rather have a sweet one... I chose none of the above

fiestytype😜 Cocky but amazing body lol I can deal with annoying ppl

KatyI can't choose

Shinedown01sweet but aggressive

Sim's_Lover💚cocky with an amazing body because there is no poor but sweet 😋

fiestytype😜@Sim's_Lover💚. Lol true I would also choose sweet but aggressor cuz I'm strong so I cld handle anything and if he's aggressive that means sex is pretty good👻😃😄😄😊☺️☺️😊. Lmaooo I'm too funny

Sim's_Lover💚@fiestytype😜 😑😆😋

ɬɧɛ ƈɧơʂɛŋ ơŋɛ@fiestytype😜, lmao!!!😂😂