What was your fav robin Williams movie?

Hook! Arghhh!
63 votes

Patch Adams! (Clown salute!) lol
25 votes

All of the above!!! (robin Williams is my fav lol)
179 votes

207 votes


emraldYEJust heard he died yesterday. R.I.P.

1Disamazing!yes he committed suicide by a belt

1Disamazing!he had depression and other issues

👊Duchessjohanna👊I loved him so much and he will always be a part of my childhood memories. I grew up laughing with him. I'll never forget him. R.I.P.

1Disamazing!r.i.p robin Williams

1Disamazing!best childhood ever

1Disamazing!@👊Duchessjohanna👊 have you seen patch Adams? It's my fav robin Williams movie

👊Duchessjohanna👊@Nikki no I haven't. I'm just really devastated over this. I've never cried over a celebrity death before.


1Disamazing!@Celeste🐤💗 haha lol mine is patch Adams

Celeste🎈💗@Nikki yeah he is awesome!! He was until he died😔

fiestytype😜Humankind Peter Pan and then that one when he played the nanny and he looked after his kids cuz he got a divorce with his wife and didn't want some random nanny so pretended to be it

1Disamazing!@fiestytype😜 oh that's mrs. Doubt fire I loved that movie too

🎩Banter🎩Aladdin was one of his best

1Disamazing!@🎩Llew🎩 I don't think he was in that movie!

🎩Banter🎩He is!! He is genie. Did u not know?

1Disamazing!oh yeah lol I just remembered that lol

🎩Banter🎩haha okay


Countryboy1996Liked good morning Vietnam

SakanaruAwakenings & Dead Poets Society

fiestytype😜@Psycho. OMG he was AWSOME in dead poets society as that English teach I have the poem that he said on my phone aka "oh captin,my Captin"


1Disamazing!@Lexi<3 you have good taste I don't know anyone else besides me who knows hat movie lol!

🎩Banter🎩its quite a well known film

Lexi<3it's so fucking hilarious I was laughing the whole time

1Disamazing!@Lexi<3 ikr.....welcome aboard the rolling turd lol!

Lexi<3haha lol yes!!

1Disamazing!god that movie was soo funny

Jeff he was pretty good in Jacob the liar

Marisa 😝ALADDIN!!!!!!!!

Softball_Lover⚾️⚾️⚾️⚾️⚾️I loved the movie Mrs. Doutfire👍👍👍👍👍👍 R.I.P Robin Willams💖😪😭😭😪😢😢😢😢

noemrs doubtfire

👑Princess_Pewdiepie👑ms doubtfire

JokolokoWtf?No Aladdin?Are you kidding me?

JamesBondPopeye and Mrs. Doubtfire 😊

Bekka EHuman hi was my childhood:)

Bekka EI meant jumanji... Stupid autocorrect


SakanaruDead Poets Society & Awakenings

Maggie SchofieldI like night at the museum

SenaDead Poets Society & Good Will Hunting!!😍😭👌🏽

Roy PrideBirdcage