Do you have a pet llama?

139 votes

947 votes


Niallsloveri used to but a hunter killed her

KendraxxWill you please Brush your mouth

Carmen_Darling @Kendraxx lol I'm dead

Jenny_WrenI have a llama named Libby! :D

Maggie L.I could have one where I live !!!!

I love you HiddlestonI do.

Proud_mahomie❤ @your best friend yeah right

I love you Hiddleston@🌸Kayla🌸 hm?

ѕωιм;)please.. Ugh that pic disgusts me!

Proud_mahomie❤ @Mackenzie lol

neverfornothing i have a friend with a llama...

Florenceyeah sure, I have one cause it's like an everyday pet. Of course not!

Mojo_0101i don't have a llama, but I have a unicorn

I love you Hiddleston@Florence bad sarcasm. If you want to be smart, go with the joke.

Duchessjohanna @your best friend lol

buzzAre you fucking drunk?


<3 breannaHiya why would we have a lamma

SkySky_forevermy cuz is obsessed with llamas