Do you talk to yourself?

Yes, silently
4977 votes

Me don't talk to anyone
327 votes

Nope, never
1824 votes

Yes, outloud
3246 votes


Jasmineyupp and I am by ashamed


A person with an Ed Sheeran obsession Yeah I do I chat away

Alexisyes to my self


GracieI think it is interesting to communicate with spirits

brittykitty2I talk to myself way to often

Emma When I'm around other people, I talk to myself quietly but if I'm by myself, I talk out loud

Claire the Bear.That's how I live my life.

Chicasosweetill talk when I lost something like i will say where are my keys sometimes I say it to loud and my brother says "who are you talking to?!?!"

DeadArmySome people think I do but actually I'm talking to my friends. You just can't see them.

piperYea in the shower

piperWrite a comment

seepsWho doesn't lol??? Do not comment

MyVeilisPiercedI'm. Not ashamed I always talk to yourself

carmenstupid q's

Andrew KingWHAT

Mrs. HoranI always consider myself as a 2nd or 3rd person



Jessicaonly sometimes. I'm not that crazy.



Jessicaonly sometimes. I'm not that crazy.

Chloe ๐ŸŽ€๐Ÿ’œโœŒ๐Ÿ˜‹maybe

25ยข LeninadeOnly when I'm alone.

matthaha I talked to myself answering this question like idk do I talk to myself then was like oh yes I do

User 207998not kool

scfooeydoesn't everyone ?

ravenW.i talk to myself everyday tis hereditary



galelover266sometimes out loud but most of the time silent