Should deaths by the death penalty be increased?

Yes! It will save us lots of money.
14 votes

There shouldn't even be a death penalty!
7 votes

Yes, and for smaller crimes.
4 votes

No, there are enough deaths.
7 votes



emraldYE@Death Yay! I'm so happy now!

User 641673are you fucking retarded you stupid cunt you do now that death penalty cost a shit ton of money

User 641673the death penalty is a waste of taxpayers money you dumb cunt

User 641673one trial cost of a death penalty could cost as much as 3 fucking mil you reatred cunt

User 641673omg are you stupid

User 641673so could you please explain to me how its saving us money cuz it isnt

User 641673your fucking retarded

User 641673your fucking retarded

User 641673your fucking retarded

User 641673your fucking retarded

emraldYE@User 641673 I'm not even responding to you until you speak proper English. 😄


User 641673uck yu

User 641673uck yu!!!!!!

🎩Banter🎩as much as i hate to say i agree with the imbecile above, it costs a lot of money to the government. I personally don't see whats wrong with a bullet to the head

$waggerJ@ggerBabii🐾@🎩Llew🎩 ~Bullet wow~

emraldYE@🎩Llew🎩 Yeah, it does cost a heck of a lot of money. But if only they would do it just put the person against the wall and shoot would save millions. I still don't get why it costs money.

emraldYE*why it costs /so much/ money

User 641673It cost money cause the Government isn't just gonna kill off somebody

User 641673They still have to prove if he is guilty or not so there gonna give him a trial of course which cost money

User 641673Also there have been more than a couple of people given the death penalty that weren't guilty at all

$waggerJ@ggerBabii🐾~Yall Should Take This To Inbox~

User 641673@Llew lets say you had a dog and you love this dog to death and that dog accidentally bit somebody and you were forced to hand him over to the authorities would you be ok with them just shooting him in the head rather than to be properly put to sleep

User 641673@swagger stfu

User 641673@emraldYE it cost alot less for a person to be sentenced to life than it does to be given the death penalty

$waggerJ@ggerBabii🐾~Lmao Yeaaah Right. Get tf out mah face~

🎩Banter🎩@User 641673 at least it would be over a lot quicker than the new drugs they have been using