Best superhero movie?

Iron Man 3
7 votes

The Amazing Spider-Man
6 votes

The Avengers
27 votes

The Dark Knight Rises
13 votes


Cutie3.NotInUse.Iron Man 3 and The Amazing Spider-Man are trash compared to the Avengers and Dark Knight trilogy!

JackRyan@Cutie3.NotInUse. Seriously! Iron Man 3 was garbage. It's like Michael Bay directed it. No plot but a lot of special effects

ttb_nick⛽️🅰🆖Frozen ❄️

JackRyan@PoloRalphLauren🔥Hahahaha NO!!!

👑Princess_Pewdiepie👑@JackRyan lol Michael bay always does dumb stuff to make things look cooler

JackRyan@Beautiful_Moonlight Exactly!

👑Princess_Pewdiepie👑@JackRyan :D

SaarahThe avengers because it has loki in it

Diamond123@Saarah exactly

SakanaruMermaidman & Barnacle Boy


Tristan Bordenthe dark knight is the best superhero movie of all time