Guess am I a good or bad singer

259 votes

323 votes



🌸Vanessa🌸How would we know😒

Clairre:)Just guess

Kylie@clairre:) I guess that you suck and you would never be good on the other hand I would be amazing because I have got 13 gigs in the lat year so I think I am amazing and like I said you suck and would never be good

Clairre:)Actually I'm really good well more than that amazing and ur not that good

Kyliehey you little girl how many gigs have you done this year then because I would outshine you in all genres I can sing pop country R&B rock jazz classical and I can rap if you want to challenge me send me you e mail and I will kick your ass

Clairre:)Hahahah I'm way better than u I can sing really good in every genres and rap and u freaking stalker ur not getting my email and u would lose so bad you'd regret and shut the fuck up I'm way older than u

KylieNo your not

Clairre:)Yes I am

I'd_rather_be_sleeping@Clairre:) ha no your not your an 8 year old with an attitude so leave her alone your so mean to everyone

Clairre:)No I'm not I'm 12 and I amazing singer

I'd_rather_be_sleeping@Clairre:) ok everyone thinks they are but some suck and you re one of the people who suck at everything

Clairre:)Nope I'm very talented

I'd_rather_be_sleeping@Clairre:) ok like I said you think you are lots of people do but only some are good your not

I'd_rather_be_sleepingbtw I have evidence I am not bethany that will blow your little rat brain

Clairre:)Nope I'm very talented

Clairre:)The only one who has a rat brain is you cuz I'm very smart

I'd_rather_be_sleepingi keep telling you you think you are ok talk about something else your going nowhere

I'd_rather_be_sleeping@Clairre:) no I have said this before I'm in honors classes so stop calling me dumb ok

Clairre:)Haha ur idiotic ness is hilarious

Clairre:)If ur actually in honor class act like it

I'd_rather_be_sleepingand yes your in advanced kindergarten classes

I'd_rather_be_sleeping@Clairre:) I do so talk about something else

Clairre:)Shut the fuck up I'm in basically honors class i would be in honors if I was a little older

I'd_rather_be_sleeping@Clairre:) stupid child and don't tell me your smart I won't believe you

I'd_rather_be_sleeping@Clairre:) ha yeah sure

Clairre:)Ok cuz I don't believe u cuz ur an idiot

I'd_rather_be_sleeping@Clairre:) that is why I don't believe you you comebacks suck

Clairre:)No they don't but ur do urs r terrible and very boring

I'd_rather_be_sleepinghey what is your Maid doing can you take a pic

I'd_rather_be_sleeping@Clairre:) like I said you have nothing to do but name call like a 5 year old ok

Clairre:)I said last night she left she's on vacation now she's visiting her family she won't be back for a 9 days so stop harrassing me about her for a while

I'd_rather_be_sleeping@Clairre:) ongoing when will you admit she ever existed really this is stupid

I'd_rather_be_sleeping@Clairre:) still using harassing incorrectly

Clairre:)Nope she'll be back in 9 days if you'd like u can see a pic of her if that makes u stop harrassing me

I'd_rather_be_sleeping@Clairre:) and don't get it off the Internet ill know and I'm not harassing you you commented shit in everything

Clairre:)Ok I'll put a pic

I'd_rather_be_sleeping@Clairre:) now ?


I'd_rather_be_sleepingi thought she left last night liar

Clairre:)No it's an old pic

I'd_rather_be_sleepingok but you couldn't post this sooner

Clairre:)She doesn't like being exposed online but I'm tired of the harassment so I put it up really quick

I'd_rather_be_sleeping@Clairre:) ok sure why didn't you do this sooner

I'd_rather_be_sleepingif you weren't lying

Clairre:)That's why answer the question she hates having pics of


Clairre:)Having u answered the question yet

Gettoxfabxforever@Clairre:) You look like a great singer don't listen to what other people say they are just out of their mind

I'd_rather_be_sleeping@Emma but have you heard her??

Natalie@Bėthåñÿ have YOu heard her ??? 😊😑