I mis robin williams and i have a few dollars left on itunes so witch movie of his should i buy?

Ms doutfire
11 votes

The birdcage or good morning vietnam
1 votes

7 votes

Bicental man
7 votes


User 641673robin gay williams was weak and im glad he killed himself he was to weak too continue to live on it

sophiafuck you

👊Duchessjohanna👊@User 641673 you obviously don't understand the complexities of mental illness. Die bitch.

Sakanaru@👊Duchessjohanna👊 Isn't that so like him? What a fuckin dumbass piece of shit!

Sakanaru@sophia Anyway... You need to check out Dead Poets Society & Awakenings, Robins brilliant non Comedic roles...

👊Duchessjohanna👊@🔱Sakanaru🔱 I fuckin hate him