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How do you feel about the US bringing in a bunch of undocumented Syrian refugees? (Please explain why)

9 votes

Asked about 8 years ago by userpic AnonymousToAnExtent
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5640 21 487372210 profile 1024212 0
It's stupid and risky as hell. In the state the US is in right now, we need to just back away from trying to help other countries when we need to help ourselves. And if these people want to come in America, then they can, but it needs to be a situation where we do background checks and not let them just freely come into our country
about 8 years ago
5640 21 487372210 profile 1024212 0
I'm not saying I agree with Isolationism though 😅 I'm just saying sometimes we dig ourselves into these holes that we can't get out of, ending up being more involved with a country then we need to.... and it's like the situation with Sudan. We spent so much money on them to help re-build their government, but currently it's not working and these people are rebelling by shooting, burning, raping, and just brutally murdering others in the country. There is no point in wasting our time with countries that can't function even after all the money and help we pour on them
about 8 years ago

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