I am going to be making the quiz in the comments! ( I'm acting like Starfire from teen titans go)

25 votes

Asked over 9 years ago by userpic _MyChemicalUriePilots_
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5568 5 481096476 profile 981498 0
the quiz is called 'Who will b ur bff'. #1. When is ur bday? Jan-April May-September Oct-December #2. Who's ur fav celeb out of these? 1. Taylor Swift 2.Ariana Grande 3.Demi Lovato 4.Katy Perry #3 R u popular? Yes No I'm a dork I lost my reputation If u got mostly 1 ur bff is a quiet country girl. If u got mostly 2, ur bff is a Pop princess. If u got mostly 3 or 4, u get an amazing actress bff. If ur popular, Mackenzie Hollister is ur sister. If u r a dork, Nikki is ur sister. If u lost ur rep, Jessica is ur sister. Btw, they r all from dork diaries. Thanks for taking my quiz guys! Bye😋
over 9 years ago
5568 5 481096476 profile 981498 0
the answers r if u got mostly one, ur bff is a country girl. Mostly two is Pop princess. Mostly three is amazing actress. Ur sis is Mackenzie if ur popular, ur sis is Nikki maxwell if ur dorky, if u r not popular anymore, ur sis is Jessica. The characters r from dork diaries. Thnx for taking ur time to take my poll! Bye😋
over 9 years ago

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