How big we're your boobs when you were 12? By the way im just asking because I think mine are too small.

52 votes

Asked almost 9 years ago by userpic pllfanxx
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5347 17 462044834 profile 1721672 0
I think I was a B, but honestly I know you have probably heard this all before... Your boobs will develop when your body is ready. For some people that may be 10 for others it may be 15. The thing is we have to accept that we cannot control when they grow so we might as well not worry. πŸ’πŸ» the older you get you realise the insignificance of the size of your breasts. From experience my boobs started developing from like 9/10 (I was quite an early developer) but when I got to about 12 they remained at size B for about 3 years, and now they are a C/D. I have some friends who are a B still I have other friends that are a G (I'm not joking). Your boobs grow past the age of 16 so just be patient ☺️
almost 9 years ago
5307 16 458582844 profile 1815054 0
Why are u worrying for
almost 9 years ago

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