And no, I'm not being too dramatic
about 8 years ago
@Ethan2.0 You don't think so?
about 8 years ago
@🌸Miss_Mandi_Mae🌸 congratulations to your father.
about 8 years ago
Btw, if you pick the smiley face, it means that you have accepted your fate and can't wait for the world to end
about 8 years ago
@Ethan2.0 Are you joking? Are you being that immature? 😂
about 8 years ago
@Ethan2.0 🤐 that's her father.
about 8 years ago
@🌸Miss_Mandi_Mae🌸 no im not joking, that was my original intent
about 8 years ago
@Mymsi my sate ha free college
almost 8 years ago
@Elizabeth what?
almost 8 years ago
And speaking of illegal immigrants a family friend of mine lost his construction business in this past year. He started it before Obama, did really well and his business slowly started to decline. He was self employed and couldn't support himself anymore, so he sold his equipment and got another job. What happened? Well, illegal immigrants came by the thousands into America. They work for cheaper here, and that made it harder for him to get work because people said his prices were too high. And they were the same prices he charged when he started. It's kind of sad how people like you don't even see how it effects Americans. The US can't help everyone all the time.
about 8 years ago
@🌸Miss_Mandi_Mae🌸 idk if you are misinformed or just plain stupid. i think you're both. plus you're a racist hillbilly. 🖕🏿
about 8 years ago
@🌸Miss_Mandi_Mae🌸 In very sorry about that but that's how the world works, not only in the us but in other countries too. However you cannot blame Obama for the loss of your family friends business. Recently a small airport (where my uncle is a flight instructor) was shut down so the government could build some ugly ass shit apartments but I'm not blaming that on the president.
about 8 years ago
@🐼 *im
about 8 years ago
@🌸Miss_Mandi_Mae🌸 The USA spends trillions on their army and war, they could spend that on education. That way more people can afford college get a better job
about 8 years ago