Have you ever questioned if your religion is scientifically possible or if whover introduced you to it could be wrong?

156 votes

Asked over 10 years ago by userpic 👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑
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5707 3 profile 477722
I don't understand the people who have never doubted their religion. Can someone explain to me how you can truly believe in something if you have never pondered if it's even possible?
over 10 years ago
4801 22 profile 590700
@MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp because believing in something makes life easier. The reason shy most people think this way is because they are unsure why they exist. But to believe that god created us in his own image for a purpose. I believe for the fact that it makes life simpler. Giving up all heavy burdens to him makes your life easier. And I'd like to know I'll have a eternal paradise after death instead of rotting in the ground.
over 10 years ago
4767 3 profile 596164
@Let people hate, it proves that you are better than them. The Pope of HeyCrowd/Emperor of the World Well said, my man!
over 10 years ago
4767 3 profile 596164
I'm DEFINITELY NOT willing to take that gamble! As far as I'm concerned, there IS proof God exists!
over 10 years ago
4801 22 profile 590700
to me, you are the proof that god exist. He made each and everyone of us in his own image. No I'm not talking about how we look on the outside but what's inside of you.
over 10 years ago
5707 3 profile 477722
@Let people hate, it proves that you are better than them. The Pope of HeyCrowd/Emperor of the World I personally cannot bring myself to fully believe in something unless I'm sure it's fact. I have thought it through a lot and I do believe it is possible for there to be a god, but I can't bring myself to declare it is fact.
over 10 years ago
4767 3 profile 596164
@HCQ MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp Christians live on FAITH! I don't hafta know what he looks like to know he's real. He's present in my life on a daily.
over 10 years ago
5707 3 profile 477722
I don't really understand how people can live their lives based on something that they have no idea actually exists... It just doesn't make sense to me. I get that it makes life easier to bear when you believe in it, but I don't understand how people can say something is fact just to make themselves feel better... It's like lying to yourself
over 10 years ago
4801 22 profile 590700
not everything is going to be handed to you when you want it. They call god the man f mystery for a reason. He's weeding put the week and faithless.
over 10 years ago
5707 3 profile 477722
@Let people hate, it proves that you are better than them. The Pope of HeyCrowd/Emperor of the World I'm really confused and have no idea what you just said lol
over 10 years ago
5707 3 profile 477722
@🔫🔪 IF BEING A BAD BITCH WAS A CRIME ID BE ARRESTED🔫🔪 But you don't /know/ that he is present... It just doesn't make sense to me
over 10 years ago
4801 22 profile 590700
Not everything can be proven, but science still has theories for them. Charles Darwin suggested evolution and he was a Christian who strongly believed in god.
over 10 years ago
4767 3 profile 596164
@HCQ MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp well, I believe in demons, and angels. They are documented. Recently a boy was possessed in Gary, IN. Look it up, there were SEVERAL witnesses outside of the family. CPS, DR.s, nurses, caseworkers, AND the Chief of police, to name a few. To believe in demons u MUST believe in God. I highly doubt alla these upstanding ppl with high ranking positions would all come together to form some elaborate hoax. The Bible also has predicted MANY signs of the times! MANY, MANY,MANY!!!
over 10 years ago
4801 22 profile 590700
there was also an incident were this man died and went to hell. But god gave him a second chance.
over 10 years ago
4767 3 profile 596164
@HCQ MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp what dude is saying is God created us with FREE WILL. He's weeding out the faithless, and hopeless.
over 10 years ago
4767 3 profile 596164
@HCQ MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp yes, I KNOW he exists. He's in YOU RIGHT NOW!!!! He uses others to convey messages, Miranda. You are seeking him out, just LOOKING for a reason to believe! God touches people thru OTHER PPL!!!! He is VERY REAL! GOD bless the soul which believes in nothing, THAT'S an empty soul!!! He is NEVER gonna smile & wave at you, He doesn't do magic trix to prove Himself to you. You have free will, without faith, you CANNOT BELIEVE!!!
over 10 years ago
5707 3 profile 477722
@🔫🔪 IF BEING A BAD BITCH WAS A CRIME ID BE ARRESTED🔫🔪 You'll never know if that was an actual possession, though. It could be fake, even though it's unlikely, the boy could've been faking it without the others knowing, or he might have momentarily lost his mind/ control over himself. Who knows? I can't just flat out say "It is fact, he was possessed." and I can't say "That's definitely not what really happened." Also, the things predicted by the Bible are quite vague and could have been predicted by intelligent philosophers who understand sociology/ how the world developes, not necessarily an all-knowing being... Or everything could just be coincidences that we are over thinking
over 10 years ago
4801 22 profile 590700
how do you know everything science proves is actually fact? The bible is meant as a guide that you can compared to everyday life. You. An take certain situations from the bible and fit it to your life and there's always a solution to be uncovered. God made us for a reason. A reason we won't be able to find out until he calls us home. Science can say all it wants to turn you away from god. That's all humans have been doing. We've been pushing ourselves away from our faith. God have each and every one of a us a goal to accomplish and many people walked away from it, but the few who chose to stay are the ones who stay strong. And such philosophers you talk about like Aristotle. He set our faith and textbooks back 2,000 years with his accusations. He's one of the few reasons people are losing faith. Another reason are humans themselves, the wicked and cold hearted humans. I don't have to list any, I know you know what I mean. They put doubt in your mind, people always think that god is the only one that takes from us. The devil also has an effect on our everyday lives. He corrupts people so he can be you to lose faith in god. He wants so he takes. God saves us everyday from satan, and all we do is question his existence. We should stop questioning and leg god guide us down the patches we must take. Even if that means we have to go through hell and back. Ives, he corrupts sed
over 10 years ago
4767 3 profile 596164
@HCQ MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp when being exorcized, the MOTHER of the boy was speaking LATIN!!! This JUST happened last month! The family was an average fam, black lady, 2 kids ,both VERY young, and grandma. The dr. WITNESSED the boy RUN UP THE WALL BACKWARD AND DO A FLIP!!!! He also spoke to him in a demonic voice. You just hafta search it up, it was ALL OVER the news. Anyway, I don't consider having faith lying to myself. All you hafta do is believe, and repent, and TRY ur hardest to be a great person, then ur promised eternal salvation in heaven. Sounds ALOT better than the alternative, wouldn't you say?
over 10 years ago
5707 3 profile 477722
@Let people hate, it proves that you are better than them. The Pope of HeyCrowd/Emperor of the World I said I don't know if everything in science is fact. I don't think they're facts, they're theories, just like the theory that there is a god. I also understand that if there is a god, he thinks on a higher level of understanding that we will never be able to comprehend because he is omniscient, and I agree that the only way we could understand is if he tells us when we pass away and go to heaven. And yes, people can give others faith and people take away others' faith, and if there is a god and a devil, they could influence others through people. I can see how passionate you both are about this and I really value that about you guys. Most people don't really care about/ out much thought in things like this. They either believe what they are told and don't really think about it/ follow it through, or they believe it is all BS because they think scientific theories are the only possibility because they cannot open their minds... You guys seem to know about what your talking about and have your hearts in it. Respect.
over 10 years ago
4767 3 profile 596164
@Let people hate, it proves that you are better than them. The Pope of HeyCrowd/Emperor of the World bible said that "my ppl shall perish for lack of faith", so sad.
over 10 years ago
4801 22 profile 590700
Paths is and I see what you mean. But to me believing in god has made my life a lot easily. Because just giving up struggles to him gives you a sense of relief. But if you still worry about it, then nothing is going to change. And if you ask for something, god isn't going to give it to you right away. He's going to have you go through some things to let you get it. He knows when things aren't going to work out, so he won't give you what you ask. Some people ask for everything from there parents and they receive everything. But when they ask god and they don't get it right away, they question their faith. You have to go through some things to get want to want. You have to earn it. And something's you want you can't have. He dos everything for you, he wakes you up, he keeps you safe but all we want is more and more. So it may not seem like there is no god to you. But for him to wake you up everyday and keep you safe, then you most be pretty special.
over 10 years ago
4767 3 profile 596164
@HCQ MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp I wish I could just take you with me to speak to a pastor. It's IMPORTANT that you take this seriously. I am typing this with tears swelling my eyes. You hafta at least JUST ONCE, say a silent prayer. " God, I'm lacking faith. Please bless me with the spirit of Your Holiness. Please, Father God, let me be humbly blessed with the presence of The Holy Ghost. In Jesus name I pray, Amen." Nowadays it's so "uncool" to believe in God, but I'm going to pray that you receive your answer, even if you choose not to pray for yourself. This is THE most important decision you'll ever make.
over 10 years ago
4837 23 418002849 profile 373519 0
No because I'm not a fantasist or extremist or whatever you call em...
over 10 years ago
4801 22 profile 590700
what? They're called atheist.
over 10 years ago
4837 23 418002849 profile 373519 0
Don't get me wrong I'm no Atheist I'm just not entirely into the religion thing.
over 10 years ago
4801 22 profile 590700
over 10 years ago
5707 3 profile 477722
@Let people hate, it proves that you are better than them. The Pope of HeyCrowd/Emperor of the World I understand everything you said and just so you guys know the reason I don't believe God is fact doesn't have anything to do with the way he doesn't give you everything you ask for or all the terrible things people go through. That's why a lot of people don't believe in him, but I understand that if there is a god, it doesn't make sense to question anything he does because he supposedly omniscient, and we will probably never understand his level of thinking. I definitely with no doubts believe it is possible for there to be a god, I just can't bring myself to say "He is there." because truth is, no one knows if he is or isn't. People may think they know, but nobody does and I cannot convince myself to believe such a statement.
over 10 years ago
4801 22 profile 590700
well we'll find out after death
over 10 years ago
5707 3 profile 477722
@🔫🔪 IF BEING A BAD BITCH WAS A CRIME ID BE ARRESTED🔫🔪 I have prayed before and I still do pray occasionally. I'm sorry if this conversation upset you :( I didn't mean to and I don't want you to feel bad for me or worry about me... I'm fine and happy with my life with or without a definite opinion on the matter
over 10 years ago
5707 3 profile 477722
@Let people hate, it proves that you are better than them. The Pope of HeyCrowd/Emperor of the World I think Saruchan is saying he doesn't believe there's a god or disbelieve there is a god because he hasn't put much thought into it and it isn't all that important to him. Am I right?
over 10 years ago
4837 23 418002849 profile 373519 0
@HCQ I believe theres a higher being above us its just that I dont do the go to church every Sunday type of thing or whatever people do on those days.
over 10 years ago
4767 3 profile 596164
@HCQ MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp it's not that it upset me. I had tears swelling my eyes cuz I get emotional when He uses me to speak thru. I literally got goose bumps because its so crucial! No one knows when their time is up here. You can't take forever making a decision. I mean "you" as general population. If you look further into this, I'm confident you'll find ur answer.
over 10 years ago
4767 3 profile 596164
@Knights that say "Ni!!" (Saruchan) remember that music vid that ppl had "invisible" timers above their heads? That's what I'm talking about up there.
over 10 years ago
5707 3 profile 477722
@🔫🔪 IF BEING A BAD BITCH WAS A CRIME ID BE ARRESTED🔫🔪 I have thought about it and looked into it a lot, actually... As it stands, I believe it is a possibility. If Jesus himself came here and talked to me, I might still not have faith because I would think that there's always the possibility that it's not him or that I'm imagining it... That's just the way I think. I see all of the possibilities, understand them, look at them in different ways and in other people's perspectives, interpret them, etc. but I can't physically fully believe in a possibility.
over 10 years ago
5707 3 profile 477722
Maybe that will change with age, we'll see...
over 10 years ago
4837 23 418002849 profile 373519 0
@Mindy Yeah.. I do totes agree I'm just one soul tryin to get the best out of life with whatever time I have left on this earth god willing😊
over 10 years ago
4767 3 profile 596164
@Knights that say "Ni!!" (Saruchan) yeah, I get it. Not tryna force my beliefs on y'all. It's just my job as a Christian to tell my thoughts, & sing my praises! I'm not in church like I should be, or at bible study every Wednesday, but I KNOW God exists. For everyone else, all I can do is pray for ya. And I will cuz I TRULY care about y'all!
over 10 years ago
5707 3 profile 477722
@🔫🔪 IF BEING A BAD BITCH WAS A CRIME ID BE ARRESTED🔫🔪 I get that, it's all good. I know you're not trying to force anything in me and that you're just trying to help/ spread the word of God
over 10 years ago
4837 23 418002849 profile 373519 0
@Mindy Aww! Thank you😊
over 10 years ago
5707 3 profile 477722
@🔫🔪 IF BEING A BAD BITCH WAS A CRIME ID BE ARRESTED🔫🔪 That's really sweet :)
over 10 years ago
4767 3 profile 596164
@HCQ MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp well it did for me. I certainly always believed in God cuzza my grandparents, but I questioned Him, rallied against Him, & even rejected Him. I was blessed to be able to find Him when I was ready. Alotta ppl don't find him soon enough, & suffer an untimely death. God doesn't hold us accountable for anything UNTIL we have learned it. Once you've been told about Him, and His word reaches you, from that moment on ur held accountable. Please keep that in ur mind.
over 10 years ago
4767 3 profile 596164
you're BOTH welcome!😇🙏👼
over 10 years ago
5707 3 profile 477722
@🔫🔪 IF BEING A BAD BITCH WAS A CRIME ID BE ARRESTED🔫🔪 Huh... I never really thought about it that way. That's pretty insightful
over 10 years ago
4767 3 profile 596164
@HCQ MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp Written in the Good Book, spoken by Him, not my words. But I'll take the compliment! Thanks.
over 10 years ago
4767 3 profile 596164
@HCQ MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp off topic, but I've gotta shitload of ppl "visiting my profile" right now.
over 10 years ago
4767 3 profile 596164
@HCQ MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp meant to click ur name. WTF are they lookin at all at once?😄
over 10 years ago
5707 3 profile 477722
@🔫🔪 IF BEING A BAD BITCH WAS A CRIME ID BE ARRESTED🔫🔪 Haha I think I accidentally visited your profile once or twice... I guess they saw you posting all these messages and thought "damn! I agree with her she seems awesome imma go see what other kinda stuff she posts"
over 10 years ago
4767 3 profile 596164
@HCQ MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp no, this shit is XTRA right now! It's like one after another! WTF? Ur profiles interesting, mine is okay, but ehh. Probably on there bitching me out! I'm used to THAT!!!😂😂😂😂
over 10 years ago
5707 3 profile 477722
@🔫🔪 IF BEING A BAD BITCH WAS A CRIME ID BE ARRESTED🔫🔪 Haha that's really weird... My profile is okay. You have some cool and original questions but I dnt know if I've seen all of them
over 10 years ago
4837 23 418002849 profile 373519 0
@ Mindy Yea with this new update theres that extra button & I think a lot of peeps push it by accident cause I find myself do that a lot😝
over 10 years ago
4767 3 profile 596164
@HCQ MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp Took me TWO DAYS to go thru alla urs!!! 😂😂😂 I'm a bit OCD, so once I start one I MUST get thru EVERY ONE!!! Sometimes EVERY COMMENT!!!! Damn, fukkin OCD!!! Fukkin time consuming!!!
over 10 years ago
4767 3 profile 596164
@Knights that say "Ni!!" (Saruchan) that makes sense. There were 7 backtoback a min ago!
over 10 years ago
4767 3 profile 596164
Just now another one, soon as I typed that! Shits never happened before. Prob the new update. Although, I do get hella ppl visiting it every day, just not backtoback! Now they're prob gonna fukk with me cuz I'm broadcasting it!😂
over 10 years ago
4589 19 profile 365283
Religion is just a coping system and a way for humankind to have their questions answered. Personally, it's not for me and I don't like the way it satisfies peoples hunger for knowledge, people should want to know more and grow up and figure it out.
over 10 years ago
5707 3 profile 477722
@Sam I understand why you think that, and I agree that it is a coping system and an easy answer, but that isn't neccessarily a bad thing. People who say "mkay, there's a god, questions answered" should figure things out on their own and look into some stuff more, but some religious people have a lot of knowledge on science and religion and how they fit together, and the theory of a god is just as possible as scientific theories.
over 10 years ago

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